With the winter season just around the corner, you might want to brush up on your knowledge about safely operating heavy machinery in extreme weather conditions. Low temperatures, strong winds, and snow can cause unique problems, and as your local equipment dealer, we want you and your machines safe and running smoothly. That’s why we have created this guide to help you keep your workers and machines warm, secure, and productive.

Read on to learn more, and for more information, visit Crownstone Equipment. Our friendly staff will be happy to address your concerns and share more tips to keep your construction equipment running all winter long.

Get Ready for Cold Weather Operation

Before operating heavy machinery in winter, ensure you and your staff dress for the cold. You’ll need to wear enough layers to stay warm, even if your machines have a cab to protect you from the harsh winds. However, keep in mind that the extra clothing shouldn’t hinder your mobility.

Also, make sure that the defroster in your machine is working and you have fantastic visibility when operating your heavy equipment.

Plan Daily Inspections

Next, you’ll want to make sure your staff is well-trained to spot issues with your construction equipment. This will help them halt operations and perform basic tune-ups on your machines to keep them functioning safely and efficiently.

Before starting daily operations, let your team check the fluid levels, hoses, seals, the undercarriage of the machines, and the tires to see they are safe and ready for work.

Allow Your Machines to Warm Up

The freezing weather can be harder than you think on your heavy equipment. So, instead of jump-starting your machines, allow them to warm up and come up to the correct operating temperature. This will keep your machinery working efficiently, without incurring damage leading to costly repairs.

Keep Your Machines Moving

The cold weather can negatively impact your construction equipment, especially rarely used units. Make sure you regularly start up your less-frequently used machines and put them through a few basic movements to keep them functioning smoothly. Also, it’ll be a good idea to grease critical components in your machinery, top off any low-level fluids, and add fuel supplements to maintain your fuel quality and engine efficiency.

Reserve Breaks for Your Team

More importantly, allow your team to be well-rested when operating construction equipment in the winter season.

As you may know, cold weather can drain energy and make you more prone to losing focus. This can jeopardize your safety and the safety of others working around you. That’s why you’ll want to schedule breaks for yourself and your team so that you can concentrate when using your machines. This includes being well-fed and hydrated, too.

We hope this guide helps you safely operate your construction equipment in cold weather. For more ideas or to help optimize your machine’s performance, connect with our experts at Crownstone Equipment. We’re in multiple locations throughout Maryland and Pennsylvania, and we can’t wait to serve you!