Tractors are slow-moving vehicles not meant for public roads. However, sometimes you might need to take it out onto the road when visiting another farm in the vicinity or to a service department for routine maintenance. Before you start your machine to hit the road—hang on. Here are a few important safety considerations that you need to know.

Keep reading this guide to learn more about driving a tractor on a public road, and for more information, contact Crownstone Equipment.

Prepare Your Tractor for the Road

First, you want to make your tractor safe and roadworthy. Check the tires for wear and tear and test the brakes and steering for proper operation. You also want to ensure your headlights and taillights are functioning smoothly so that other motorists can see you clearly. While at it, you also want to examine all fluid levels to avoid mechanical issues during your journey.

Follow Safety Rules for Tractors

When driving a tractor on public roads, you should follow a few rules to ensure safety. They include:

  • Maintaining a speed limit of not more than 25 miles per hour.
  • Installing reflectors on your vehicle where they are clearly visible from a distance.
  • Following traffic laws, such as yielding right of way when appropriate.

Be Extra Vigilant

More importantly, you want to be extra cautious when driving your tractor on a public road. This means being aware of other vehicles around you and maintaining an appropriate following distance. You also want to avoid rush hour traffic and driving when tired or distracted.

Driving a tractor on public roads requires extra care, but it doesn't have to be intimidating. Follow the tips above and obey all applicable traffic laws. If you need more safety advice or want to upgrade your tractor to the latest model, visit Crownstone Equipment. We have multiple dealerships throughout Pennsylvania & Maryland, so stop by today.