Telehandlers offer an impressive ability to move large loads around a work site. They can reach places that other pieces of equipment cannot, making them a valuable investment for those in the agriculture or construction industry.

But knowing you want a telehandler is different than knowing which model to buy. We've created the following buyer's guide to help you find the right model for your needs. If you have questions or want to shop Bobcat® telehandlers for sale, head over to Bobcat of York,Frederick, Hagerstown, Adams County. We have multiple dealerships based in Pennsylvania, so stop by your nearest location today!

1. Consider the Profile Boom Design

Telehandlers can come with high-profile or low-profile boom designs. The type that best suits your needs depends on two factors. First, what's your work site like? For example, maybe you'll be spending most of your time on the road among traffic. A low-mount boom offers a 360-degree view, giving you valuable visibility.

Second, what are your tasks? Low-mount booms tend to be ideal for ground engagement and loader work. High-mount booms are well-suited for tasks that involve picking up and placing larger cargo.

2. Consider Your Capacity Needs

It's tempting to look at the highest capacity telehandlers that you can afford. But it's important to realistically determine what you actually need and let that dictate the models you shop. Try to avoid paying for more potential than you'll ever need. That extra money could be better invested in telehandler attachments to make your equipment more versatile.

As you consider your needs, take a long-term approach. For example, maybe your company is due to rapidly expand over the next few years and will be taking a wider range of projects. Make sure the telehandlers you consider will offer what you need down the road, not just right now. If you'll only occasionally need a higher potential telehandler, consider renting a model for those specific projects rather than paying extra for capacity you'll rarely need.

3. Consider the Parts Availability

Shopping popular models, such as Bobcat telehandlers, offers an advantage when your equipment needs a parts replacement. The more common your model is, the easier it'll be to find a service department experienced with your model and with the parts in stock. This leads to a quicker repair time and reduced downtime, saving you time and money.

4. Consider Attachment Options

Many telehandlers can be paired with different attachments to help the equipment better handle tasks. Bobcat telehandlers, for example, can use attachments for construction, landscaping, agriculture, and more. But not all telehandlers can use all attachments. 

There are options known as "universal loader attachments", but these are not universal for telehandlers. Many telehandlers are not built to handle the down and side loads that loader attachments can. Plus, many loader attachments are not built to handle the weight and power of telehandlers. It's also important to note that brands are not interchangeable. You may not always be able to use the equipment from one brand with the attachment from another. Always confirm compatibility before using an attachment.

5. Consider New or Used

Finally, think about whether you want a new or used telehandler. New models will offer optimized performance and cutting-edge features, which can result in improved productivity and increased work output. Used models will offer lower prices, which can allow customers to afford a higher-end product than they could new. You'll also get access to plenty of customer reviews to help guide your search. Use current owners' insights to guide your search. Both new and used telehandlers can get the job done. The right one for your company depends on how much you can invest in your purchase and whether you need the latest and greatest features.

Ready to shop Bobcat telehandlers for sale? Check out the selection at Bobcat of York/Frederick/Hagerstown/Adams County. Our experts can help you find the ideal match for your budget and needs, so stop by and visit our dealership! We run multiple dealerships throughout Pennsylvania and Maryland. We also serve those in Baltimore, Maryland, and Lancaster, Pennsylvania.